Research Portal for the Global Scientific Community
Penguin Population Data (MAPPPD)
The Mapping Application for Penguin Populations and Projected Dynamics (MAPPPD) is an open access decision support tool that The Lynch Lab, Stony Brook University, and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) designed specifically for Oceanites as a one-stop shop for information on penguins in the Antarctic.
MAPPPD’s mission is to integrate expert biological field surveys, satellite and drone imagery analyses, and citizen science to provide the most comprehensive, publicly available database regarding the distribution and abundance of Antarctic penguin populations. MAPPPD’s goals are to: assist and ensure that conservation management decisions in the Antarctic Treaty system are based upon the best and most currently available scientific data and information; and provide a database that is easy to access and use, and freely open, accessible, and available to scientists, governments, managers, Antarctic stakeholders (fishing, tourism, environmental), and the general public.