
Our adventurous penguin counters need your help!

Monitoring change on the Antarctic peninsula is a crucial element of tracking human impacts on this pristine ecosystem. Using penguins as a lens, we can track environmental change and make adaptations to our behaviors in order to protect vulnerable Antarctic species. By adopting a colony of Antarctic penguins, you are becoming an ambassador for these incredible birds.

Why adopt a penguin colony?

By becoming an adoptive ambassador of a penguin colony, you:

  1. Contribute directly to Antarctic conservation by helping get scientists to the field. Funds directly support flights and logistics for our teams.

  2. Directly help to monitor potential human impacts in Antarctica

  3. Get annual updates on your chosen colony including aerial images and stories from the field

  4. Optionally get listed as a steward of your chosen colony on our website

  5. Support Oceanites in helping decision makers adapt conservation policies

What do you get?

  • A 1-year adoption certificate

  • The option to be listed on the website as a colony steward

  • A report outlining the latest trends and counts from the colony

Corporate sponsorship

Corporate sponsorship opportunities are available, please contact [email protected] for more details.

Colonies you can adopt today!

Neko Harbour

Danco Island

Damoy Point

Cuverville Island

Petermann island

Port Charcot

Paulet Island

Half Moon Island

Detaille Island

D'Hainaut Island

Spigot Point

Palaver Point

Hannah Point

Elephant Point

Brown Bluff

Thank you to our current adopters

Kevin Sullivan - Danco Island

OceanZen - Neko Harbour

Darren Hoffman and Kassandra Ruecker - Red Rock Ridge